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Find Jobs in Infosec and Cyber Security. – Jobs and Talents in InfoSec / Cybersecurity â˜•â˜•đŸ’»đŸ˜žđŸ›ĄïžđŸ‘Ÿ Latest jobs in Ethical Hacking, Pen Testing, Security Engineering, Threat Research, Vulnerability Management, Compliance, Cryptography, Digital Forensics and Cyber Security in general

  • Software Development Engineer @ Microsoft
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:24 am

    Security represents the most critical priorities for our customers in a world awash in digital threats, regulatory scrutiny, and estate complexity. Microsoft Security aspires to make the world a safer place for all. We want to reshape security and empower every user, customer, and developer with a security cloud that protects them with end to end, simplified solutions. The Microsoft Security organization accelerates Microsoft’s mission and bold ambitions to ensure that our company and industry is securing digital technology platforms, devices, and clouds in our customers’ heterogeneous environments, as well as ensuring the security of our own internal estate. Our culture is centered on embracing a growth mindset, a theme of inspiring excellence, and encouraging teams and leaders to bring their best each day. In doing so, we create life-changing innovations that impact billions of lives around the world. Our team focuses on protecting Entra ID and Microsoft Account from various categories of fraud. We build using a variety of technologies such as machine learning and other cutting-edge service technologies in the cloud. Every day, our platform evaluates billions of transactions and petabytes of telemetry in online and offline fashion, blocking fraudulent account creation and usage. Users on Office 365, Xbox, OneDrive, Outlook, Azure, and at millions of enterprise desks around the world rely on us to keep their identities and their data safe from cyber criminals by detecting and blocking the malicious requests. We build new services and extend existing services that perform critical part of the threat detection and deflection process. Security, availability, performance, efficiency and scale are essential for us. We partner with teams across Microsoft to keep users, enterprises and services safe. We are a collaborative, closely-knit team with emphasis on customer empathy and growth mind-set. We are looking for a Software Development Engineer who is

  • Responsable De La Securite Des Si H/F @ Axione
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Ce que nous pouvons accomplir ensemble Au sein de la DSI Corporate situĂ©e Ă  Malakoff, nous recherchons un Responsable SĂ©curitĂ© des SI afin de dĂ©finir et de mettre en Ɠuvre la politique de sĂ©curitĂ© des systĂšmes d’information d’Axione ! 🚀 Vous serez rattachĂ© au DSI Corporate et vous piloterez une Ă©quipe composĂ©e de 5 collaborateurs. Vos missions seront variĂ©es et vous aurez l’occasion de : 1/ Gouvernance : DĂ©cliner les objectifs stratĂ©giques en matiĂšre de cybersĂ©curitĂ© ainsi que dĂ©finir et maintenir la politique de sĂ©curitĂ© des SI en collaboration avec les parties prenantes DĂ©finir une politique d’investissement au regard des objectifs de sĂ©curitĂ©, et proposer le budget adaptĂ© Ă  la bonne rĂ©alisation de ses activitĂ©s DĂ©finir l’organisation et la gouvernance (comitĂ© de sĂ©curitĂ© informatique de son pĂ©rimĂštre) de la cybersĂ©curitĂ© au sein de son pĂ©rimĂštre et l’animer (dont animation des CSSI du pĂ©rimĂštre) Suivre les Ă©volutions rĂ©glementaires et techniques du domaine ; assurer les relations avec les acteurs de son secteur d’activitĂ© autour de la cybersĂ©curitĂ© Assurer un support Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre des mesures de sĂ©curitĂ© en fournissant une assistance technique et mĂ©thodologique ainsi que des outils et services de sĂ©curitĂ©, Ă©ventuellement Ă  travers un catalogue de services Valider les changements sur le SI et les RĂ©seaux qui impactent Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ©, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant nĂ©gocier et gĂ©rer les dĂ©rogations GĂ©rer les certifications de sĂ©curitĂ© de son pĂ©rimĂštre (par ex ISO 27001) et piloter la rĂ©solution des non-conformitĂ©s Contribuer Ă  rĂ©pondre aux sollicitations des prospects et des clients de l’organisation sur les aspects sĂ©curitĂ© (notamment en dĂ©finissant et en chiffrant les activitĂ©s cyber dans le cadre d’appels d’offres ou d’audits de sĂ©curitĂ© clients). Le cas Ă©chĂ©ant rĂ©aliser les activitĂ©s de cybersĂ©curitĂ© au pĂ©rimĂštre des affaires gagnĂ©es Diffuser une culture SSI Ă  destination des utilisateurs et dĂ©cideurs 2/ MaĂźtriser

  • IngĂ©nieur SCADA H/F @ ASSYSTEM
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Description de l’entrepriseTrouver des solutions au dĂ©rĂšglement climatique est la prioritĂ© du 21Ăšme siĂšcle, et implique de switcher Ă  l’énergie bas-carbone. Chez Assystem, on s’est donc donnĂ© pour mission d’accĂ©lĂ©rer la transition Ă©nergĂ©tique partout dans le monde. Et pour y parvenir, nos 7500 Switchers couplent leur expertise historique en ingĂ©nierie et en management de projet aux technologies digitales. PrĂ©sent dans 12 pays (Europe, Moyen-Orient, Asie), nous travaillons sur la production et la distribution d’Ă©lectricitĂ© bas-carbone, Ă  travers le dĂ©veloppement des Ă©nergies nuclĂ©aires et renouvelables. Nous participons Ă©galement Ă  la modernisation des rĂ©seaux Ă©lectriques et l’Ă©lectrification des usages, Ă  travers l’hydrogĂšne pour dĂ©carboner les secteurs des transports et de l’industrie.Description du posteSous la responsabilitĂ© d’Estelle, en charge de la coordination technique des projets en informatique industrielle, vous intĂ©grez une Ă©quipe hautement impliquĂ©e dans les transformations de ce domaine dynamique. Vous ĂȘtes au cƓur de projets variĂ©s et stimulants, que ce soit pour lancer de nouvelles initiatives ou pour moderniser des machines dans le secteur nuclĂ©aire. Les technologies de supervision utilisĂ©es sont : Panorama E2,WINCC, INTOUCH, PCVue En binĂŽme avec un ingĂ©nieur confirmĂ©, vos missions sont les suivantes :Mettre en Ɠuvre une partie de l’imagerie de surveillance du projet, des programmes automates,Participer Ă  l’élaboration de programmes d’essais,Participer aux stratĂ©gies de recette plateforme et usine de l’ensemble,S’assurer du respect des normes qualitĂ© et standard de dĂ©veloppement,S’assurer de la cohĂ©rence des dĂ©veloppements produits avec les demandes client, au travers des matrices d’exigences du projet.Participez Ă  des sujets annexes au projet touchant la cyber sĂ©curitĂ©, le SLI et SDF.QualificationsDe formation BAC+5 IngĂ©nieur informatique industrielle ou en automatisme.Vous avez une forte capacitĂ© rĂ©dactionnelle, un bon relationnel et le goĂ»t du travail en Ă©quipe Pourquoi rejoindre la communautĂ© des Switchers ? 📈 Assystem dispose de plus de 55 ans d’expĂ©rience dans le nuclĂ©aire. Nous sommes dans le

  • Architecte intĂ©grateur H/F/X @ Atos
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Bienvenue chez #Eviden, acteur clĂ© du numĂ©rique de prochaine gĂ©nĂ©ration et leader mondial du cloud, du calcul avancĂ© et de la sĂ©curitĂ© ! Eviden opĂšre dans tous les secteurs d’activitĂ©s, et fait rayonner son expertise sur l’ensemble du continuum numĂ©rique. Nous rejoindre, c’est Ă  la fois une opportunitĂ© exaltante de contribuer au futur de la tech et d’agir pour le bien commun, tout en bĂ©nĂ©ficiant d’un environnement Ă©quitable et inclusif, entourĂ© d’experts de haut niveau ! Aujourd’hui, et pour les gĂ©nĂ©rations Ă  venir, ouvrons le champ des possibles. Vous ĂȘtes curieux, inventif et audacieux ? Rejoignez la #TeamEviden ! Dans notre entitĂ© BDS – Big Data And Security – nous travaillons sur des sujets stratĂ©giques et concevons des produits Ă  forte valeur ajoutĂ©e dans diffĂ©rents domaines de l’IT : High Performing Computing (HPC) – Leader sur le marchĂ© EuropĂ©en du calcul haute performance (constructeur du 4Ăšme plus grand HPC) Cyber SĂ©curitĂ© – Nous dĂ©veloppons nos propres produits / solutions (IAM, HSM, PKI) et accompagnons nos clients dans les domaines de l’audit technique, du conseil, de l’intĂ©gration de solutions en Cyber SĂ©curitĂ©, des services managĂ©s et dĂ©ployons une activitĂ© de SOC/CERT. R&D, Big Data et Quantique– Nous dĂ©veloppons des solutions dans le domaine du Big data ou de l’IA en R&D et accompagnons nos clients sur de nombreux domaines de la data MCS – Mission Critical Systems –Nous offrons une gamme complĂšte de produits (software et hardware) permettant de protĂ©ger les populations et d’assurer le succĂšs des missions de dĂ©fense nationale. ConcrĂštement, l’équipe ? Vous rejoindrez des Ă©quipes projet Ă  faible effectifs dynamiques et orientĂ©s rĂ©alisation, constituĂ©es de profils expĂ©rimentĂ©s et polyvalents. Le bureau d’étude spĂ©cialisĂ© dans la guerre Ă©lectronique et la cybersĂ©curitĂ© dispose d’une composante R&D forte, permettant de renouveler rĂ©guliĂšrement nos gammes de produits, systĂšmes et solutions, et d’anticiper

  • IngĂ©nieur DevOps H/F @ Apside
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Missions : DĂ©ploiement et gestion d’infrastructures cloud : Concevoir, dĂ©ployer et maintenir des environnements cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP) en utilisant des outils comme Terraform ou CloudFormation.Automatisation et CI/CD : Mettre en place et optimiser des pipelines d’intĂ©gration et de dĂ©ploiement continus (Jenkins, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions).SĂ©curitĂ© et conformitĂ© : Assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© des infrastructures en appliquant les bonnes pratiques (IAM, chiffrement, monitoring).Monitoring et performance : Superviser les services cloud Ă  l’aide d’outils de monitoring (Prometheus, Grafana, CloudWatch) et amĂ©liorer leur scalabilitĂ©. Contexte : Clients : Secteur bancaire, Assurance, Transport, RetailEnvironnement technique souhaitĂ©s :Langages : JAVA, Python, Frameworks : Spring boot, Angular, React, NodeJSCloud : AWS et/ou GCP et/ou AZURE SQL et/ou ORACLE Localisation : Nantes et pĂ©riphĂ©rie Le package salarial que nous vous proposons : Contrat : CDIRĂ©munĂ©ration : En fonction de votre profilAvantages groupe : Carte ticket restaurant Swile, prime de mobilitĂ©, RTT, accord tĂ©lĂ©travail, Mutuelle, prime de cooptation
Avantages agence : Avantages CE, afterwork event techniques, prise en charge de la mutuelle Ă  65%Formation : certifications techniques, cours particuliers d’anglais en interne, accĂšs Ă  un catalogue de formations grĂące Ă  notre plateforme en e-learning (Academy by Apside) ou via nos organismes partenaires. Apside a suscitĂ© votre curiositĂ© ? Dans un environnement marquĂ© par une accĂ©lĂ©ration des Ă©volutions technologiques, de transformations des usages et de disruptions majeures, Apside est un partenaire de confiance qui accompagne ses clients Ă  crĂ©er de la valeur et Ă  adresser leurs enjeux stratĂ©giques en leur mettant Ă  disposition des expertises technologiques (Data / IA, Cloud, Cyber) et une expĂ©rience sectorielle (Industrie, Banque, Assurance, Service, Secteur Public). Pour un accompagnement global, le groupe propose des offres transverses autour du Handicap (Apsid’EA), du Digital Learning, et du Conseil. Et votre place dans tout ça ?Notre volontĂ© est de vous accompagner dans la construction et l’épanouissement de votre

  • Architecture de sĂ©curitĂ© – Bureautique et infrastructure @ TEHORA
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    TEHORA est prĂ©sentement Ă  la recherche d’un(e) Architecture de sĂ©curitĂ© – Bureautique et infrastructure ayant d’excellentes aptitudes techniques, d’excellentes connaissances et qui souhaite mettre Ă  profit ses compĂ©tences au sein d’une Ă©quipe polyvalente.Sans ĂȘtre exhaustifs, voici les services et livrables que devra fournir la personne retenue.Description des travaux ou des biens livrables :Les activitĂ©s Ă  rĂ©alisĂ©es sont notamment : Accompagner les projets, les services et les clients de l’Organisme public dans l’intĂ©gration de la sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information; Participer Ă  la modĂ©lisation des diffĂ©rents mĂ©canismes technologiques de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information selon l’approche globale et intĂ©grĂ©e de gestion des risques; Participer Ă  l’élaboration et Ă  la mise Ă  jour du volet sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information dans les documents d’architecture applicative, d’entreprise et de rĂ©fĂ©rence; S’assurer de la conformitĂ© et du respect des normes, directives, orientations et rĂšgles de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information lors de la conception, la mise en Ɠuvre et l’exploitation des applications; Alimenter et maintenir le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel de sĂ©curitĂ© applicative et le cadre de contrĂŽle de la sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information; Donner des avis de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information, des analyses de risques et d’impacts technologiques et produire les recommandations; ComplĂ©ter et faire le suivi de la posture de sĂ©curitĂ© de solutions applicatives; Produire des plans de validation et des bilans de conformitĂ© de solutions applicatives; S’assurer de la gestion des risques de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information dans les projets, services et secteurs; Produire et maintenir les bilans de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information des projets, services et secteurs; Participer Ă  l’établissement des besoins de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information en regard des solutions applicatives; ComplĂ©ter l’évaluation de sĂ©curitĂ© de logiciels tiers; Valider la sĂ©curitĂ© des solutions applicatives et rĂ©aliser / valider les architectures de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information; Accompagner les secteurs dans l’application des correctifs de sĂ©curitĂ© dĂ©coulant des audits, des balayages de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et des tests d’intrusions; Participer

  • Architecture de sĂ©curitĂ© – TĂ©lĂ©communication et radiocommunication @ TEHORA
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    TEHORA est prĂ©sentement Ă  la recherche d’un(e) Architecture de sĂ©curitĂ© – TĂ©lĂ©communication et radiocommunication ayant d’excellentes aptitudes techniques, d’excellentes connaissances et qui souhaite mettre Ă  profit ses compĂ©tences au sein d’une Ă©quipe polyvalente.Sans ĂȘtre exhaustifs, voici les services et livrables que devra fournir la personne retenue.Description des travaux ou des biens livrables :Les activitĂ©s Ă  rĂ©aliser sont notamment : Élaborer et mettre Ă  jour le volet sĂ©curitĂ© de rĂ©seaux dans les documents d’architecture TIC, de tĂ©lĂ©communication, de radiocommunication, d’entreprise et de rĂ©fĂ©rence; S’assurer la conformitĂ© et le respect des normes, directives, orientations et rĂšgles de sĂ©curitĂ© lors de la conception, la mise en Ɠuvre et l’exploitation de solutions de tĂ©lĂ©communication et de radiocommunication; ComplĂ©ter et faire le suivi de la posture de sĂ©curitĂ© de solutions de tĂ©lĂ©communication et de radiocommunication; Produire des plans de validation et des bilans de conformitĂ© de solutions de tĂ©lĂ©communication et de radiocommunication; Participer Ă  l’élaboration des besoins et des devis techniques de sĂ©curitĂ© en regard des solutions de tĂ©lĂ©communication et de radiocommunication; Accompagner les secteurs dans l’application des correctifs de sĂ©curitĂ© dĂ©coulant des audits, des balayages de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et des tests d’intrusions; Assurer la gestion des risques de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information dans les projets, services et secteurs; Produire et maintenir les bilans de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information des projets, services et secteurs; Alimenter et maintenir le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel de sĂ©curitĂ© applicative et le cadre de contrĂŽle de la sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information; RĂ©aliser des avis de sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information, des analyses de risques et d’impacts technologiques et produire les recommandations; Accompagner les projets, les services et les clients de l’Organisme public dans l’intĂ©gration de la sĂ©curitĂ© de l’information. Requirements DĂ©tenir un diplĂŽme universitaire de premier cycle (BAC) dans l’un des domaines suivants : informatique, technologies de l’information, mathĂ©matique, ingĂ©nierie, cybersĂ©curitĂ©, administration ou sciences pures. PossĂ©der au moins une

  • Microsoft 365 Security Senior Consultant @ Deloitte
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Description Work you’ll doAs a Microsoft 365 Security Senior Consultant, you will be at the front lines with our clients supporting them with their Cloud Cyber Risk needs specifically helping them navigate the journey on securing their Microsoft 365 (M365) platform. This will include: Function as senior engineer/consultant for the following Microsoft technologies: Purview, Intune, Sentinel, Security Copilot, Entra ID, Defender for Office, Defender for Endpoints and Servers, Defender for Vulnerabilities, Defender for Cloud Apps, Defender XDR and SCCMConduct cloud security analysis, recommendations and configurations of prospective clients’ Microsoft Entra ID, Office 365 (O365), Exchange Online, Teams, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint Online environments based on Deloitte’s Microsoft 365 Cyber Risk Framework. This can include Microsoft’s cloud solutions such as Entra, Purview, Defender, Intune, and Sentinel.Assist clients with transitions to the Microsoft 365 security services such as solution setup and service configuration, focused on risk mitigation. Additional technologies include Entra ID, Purview Compliance Manager, M365 Defender, Defender for O365, Defender for Cloud Apps (MDCA), Purview Information Protection (MPIP), Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP).Execute on M365 security engagements during different phases of the lifecycle – Discover, Assess, Design, Deploy/Test, Hypercare/Handover.Implement industry leading practices around M365 cyber risks and cloud security for clients.Acting as a subject matter expert on cloud cyber risk for Microsoft Purview, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Defender, and Microsoft Sentinel capabilities. Requirements High English proficiency 3+ years of experience in technical consulting, client problem solving, architecting and designing solutions in a consulting roleWorking experience in at least two of the areas listed below.3+ years of hands-on technical experience with Microsoft 365 enterprise-level messaging and collaboration services (Teams, OneDrive for Business, Exchange Online, Entra ID, SharePoint Online, O365 administration and setup) in implementation and operations.3+ years of hands-on technical and project / professional experience enterprise-with at least two of the following

  • EC. Especialista Ciberinteligencia @ TelefĂłnica
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    En TelefĂłnica Movistar, tenemos como misiĂłn hacer nuestro mundo mĂĄs humano, conectando la vida de las personas, entendemos que son ustedes quienes le dan sentido a la tecnologĂ­a y no al revĂ©s. Creemos en el poder transformador de la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusiĂłn tanto para el negocio como para la sociedad, por eso nos enfocamos en seguir impulsando una cultura de trabajo abierta que atraiga talento, unimos a las personas y las invitamos a ser ellas mismas, a expresarse, a compartir. DirecciĂłn: Seguridad UbicaciĂłn: Quito MisiĂłn de rol Gestionar tareas de Ciber Inteligencia: Atender la demanda del ĂĄrea de Seguridad Digital – Ciberinteligencia, mediante la identificaciĂłn de fuentes, priorizaciĂłn, clasificaciĂłn, gestiĂłn, anĂĄlisis y seguimiento de las informaciones recibidas. Funciones asociadas al rol Tu dĂ­a a dĂ­a serĂĄ: · Atender la demanda de ĂĄrea de Ciberinteligencia, mediante la identificaciĂłn de fuentes, priorizaciĂłn, triaje, clasificaciĂłn, gestiĂłn, anĂĄlisis y seguimiento de las informaciones recibidas. · Colaborar en la obtenciĂłn. · ElaboraciĂłn de informes de Ciberinteligencia. · ParticipaciĂłn en grupos de trabajo internacionales sobre Ciberinteligencia. · Elaborar informes y documentaciĂłn de procesos globales/locales relacionados con la ciber inteligencia. · Colaborar en la definiciĂłn, impulso y coordinaciĂłn de los procesos y las capacidades humanas y tecnolĂłgicas necesarias en las empresas del Grupo TelefĂłnica para generar la inteligencia necesaria para anticipar amenazas, obtener elementos de apoyo para la toma de decisiones y aportar la inteligencia necesaria para ayudar al resto de procesos a ser mĂĄs eficientes y eficaces. · AutomatizaciĂłn de procesos para la adquisiciĂłn de fuentes y correlaciĂłn de eventos. · Generar nuevos desarrollos para la integraciĂłn de fuentes con sistemas de monitoreo SIEM, MISP, TheHive, etc. · GestiĂłn de TIP (Threat Intelligence Platform) · IntegraciĂłn de nuevas fuentes de IOCs. · AutomatizaciĂłn de la ingesta de datos y de su reporte. · 

  • Sales Engineer, EMEA @ Absolute Security
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Although this role is remote, the ideal candidate will be based in the UK or Germany.Absolute Software is looking for a Sales Engineer (“SE”) to provide technical sales support as a solution expert within our fast-growing EMEA business. The SE is a highly technical sales professional who is responsible for working with Account Executives (AEs) and Channel Account Managers (CAMs) to drive significant revenue growth within the region. The SE manages the technical sales process, primarily during the discovery and validation stages of the sales process. The SE is a technical evangelist for our software platform, representing the company with potential customers, partners, and at events. You are skilled at performing detailed discovery that uncovers the customers’ current state and negative consequences, understanding their desired future state and positive business outcomes, and positioning technical solutions that provide real business value. You can tailor demonstrations to align with the discovered pain. You can build Proof of Value (PoV) plans that validate the solution is strongly aligned with the customer needs and delivers quantifiable business value. You can work with the customer to lead the PoV and then partner with your Account Executive (AE) and Channel Account Manager (CAM) to deliver a strong PoV summary document and wrap-up presentation. You can smoothly handle objections while remaining focused on the important differentiators. Finally, you can effectively build technical champions inside accounts and operate independently of, but in partnership with, your AE and CAM.You will be expected to quickly come up to speed on our Absolute Secure Endpoint (Visibility, Control, Resilience) and recent acquisition of Syxsense Patch and Vulnerability Management product offerings. Your deep product knowledge, as well as in-depth knowledge of security, IT operations, and operating systems will help you to effectively position our products, while also helping to solve difficult technical problems

  • Network Systems Analyst/Engineer (Butte, MT preferred, other Montana service locations may be considered) @ Northwestern Energy
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Network Systems Analyst/Engineer Work Location: Butte, MT preferred, other Montana service locations may be considered Pay range: $54,000 to $121,800 per year Network Analyst I – Starting Range: $54,000 – $81,000 Entry Level position – Bachelor’s degree preferred. Equivalent relevant work experience that provides knowledge and exposure to fundamental job-related theories, principles and concepts may be considered Network Analyst II – Starting Range: $62,900 – $94,300 Typically, 1 to 4 years of relevant work experience. Intermediate Working knowledge of relevant technical discipline including routing, switching, and wireless technologies. Network Analyst III – Starting Range: $72,200 – $108,200 Typically, 4 to 7 years of relevant work experience – Bachelor’s degree preferred. Intermediate to Advanced working knowledge of relevant technical discipline including routing, switching and wireless technologies Network Analyst IV – Starting Range: $81,200 – $121,800 7 + years of relevant experience – Bachelor’s degree preferred. May include an advanced degree in a technical discipline. Advanced level technical skills including comprehensive system design, configuration, and management. Employment Status: Regular Full-time External candidates apply at Internal candidates apply through iConnect. About this position: A Network Systems position is an integral part of the Business Technology Team and plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and reliable operation of the organization’s network infrastructure. The responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks related to managing and maintaining the network that supports the utility’s critical services. The successful candidate will work in a matrixed team environment (networking, technical support, security, applications, and enterprise architecture) in designing, implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting IP Networks for NorthWestern Energy. A Network Systems position plays a vital role in maintaining a robust and reliable network infrastructure, which is essential for delivering critical services to customers and supporting the efficient operations of the organization. We offer great benefits: NorthWestern Energy

  • Architect, IT Enterprise Domain @ Celestica
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Req ID: 124321 Remote Position: Yes Region: Americas Country: Mexico State/Province: Nuevo Leon City: Remote Employee Mexico General Overview Functional Area: Information Technology (ITM) Career Stream: Enterprise Architecture (ARCH) Role: Architect (ARC) Job Title: Architect, IT Enterprise Domain Job Code: ARC-ITM-ARCD Job Level: Band 10 Direct/Indirect Indicator: IndirectSummary The Architect, IT Enterprise Domain is a member of the Enterprise Architecture team, and is responsible for creating reference architectures and maintaining strategic roadmaps for one or more architectural domains that support business objectives and evolve with the company strategy. The Architect, IT Enterprise is also responsible for the evangelization of best practices for the given domains and will work with the Solution Architects, IT Platform CoE subject matter experts and business stakeholders to facilitate their adoption.Detailed Description Performs tasks such as, but not limited to, the following: Perform maintenance of Architecture Standards & Tools Launch and support all aspects of the introduction of New Technologies including evaluating, describing key functionalities of evaluated solutions and how they interrelate, selecting and purchasing Supports the Creation & Maintenance of Technology Roadmaps or Radars that embody the key principles, methods and models describing the organization’s future state Collaborate with Domain CoEs to implement new standards and solutions, defining solutions to address specific needs of the functional area/process Provides technical expertise to peers on Solution Design & Sizing Participate in various projects and assist senior team members in establishing project guidelines Knowledge/Skills/Competencies Excellent project management skills to apply end-to-end processes, analyze and solve problems/issues, establish project guidelines and present key concepts Applies most aspects of user requirement system analysis and develops basic specifications Performs independent gathering of routine facts but receives direction on complex aspects Assists in the development of solutions of a more complex nature under supervision of more senior staff members Able to manage,

  • Infrastructure Technology Delivery Leads (2 Vacancies) @ University of Toronto
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Date Posted: 01/21/2025 Req ID: 41379 Faculty/Division: Faculty of Arts & Science Department: Information and Instructional Technology Campus: St. George (Downtown Toronto) Position Number: [[46627 & 51310]] Description: About us: The Faculty of Arts & Science is the heart of Canada’s leading university and one of the most comprehensive and diverse academic divisions in the world. The strength of Arts & Science derives from our combined teaching and research excellence in the humanities, sciences and social sciences across 29 departments, seven colleges and 46 interdisciplinary centres, institutes and programs. We can only realize our mission with the dedication and excellence of engaged staff and faculty. The diversity of opportunities and perspectives within the Faculty reflect the local and global landscape and the need for curiosity, innovative thinking and collaboration. At Arts & Science, we take pride in our legacy of innovation and discovery that has changed the way we think about the world. The Faculty’s divisional IT team, Information & Instructional Technology (IIT) and local, departmental IT teams are a crucial source of support for faculty teaching, research and administrative operations. IIT works closely and collaboratively with institutional teams as well as local IT teams to champion and support technology initiatives as well as provide some key division wide IT services. In addition, IIT supports the technology needs for numerous departments, centers, schools and institutes including day to day computing, infrastructure fulfillment (systems, networking and data center), public web services and application development. We are a well-respected, service-oriented team that aims to deliver timely support and quality work, imperative for the smooth operation of our faculty. Your opportunity: Under the general direction of the Manager, Infrastructure, the Infrastructure Technology Delivery Lead provides exemplary leadership and technical expertise for support of systems/servers/applications, Data Centre services, networking, research based Infrastructure solutions and

  • Senior Advisor – Risk @ Richter
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Richter Office Montreal Position overview: With a good understanding of internal and IT controls and processes, your primarily role will consist of supporting the team with the planning and completion of consulting mandates, in addition to following up on mandates as well as preparing reports supporting the results. A day in the life of a senior advisor: With experience Information technology security, in addition to audit and risk management, you will participate in the delivery of IT consulting and/or IT internal audit mandates. As a consultant with a focus on delivering mandates, you will mostly advise clients in Montreal, with some travel outside of the province. (5-10%) Richter mandates include: IT Consulting and Advisory Mandates (system implementation, IT governance, optimization of ERP automated controls, security, general optimization) IT audit and internal control mandates (ITGC, IT audits, SOC reports);; Enterprise risk management mandates. What we are looking for: 1 to 4 years progressive accounting, audit and risk management experience Skills in the delivery of IT consulting services mandate and / or IT internal audit mandate and SOC reports. Proven ability in risk assessment, relationship management, and strategic thinking Bilingual (English and French, written and oral); Bachelors in Computer Science or Management; CISA, CISM, CISSP, ITIL, CBCP, PMP certifications; Knowledge of IT audit methodologies, especially those concerning general computer controls, automated controls, segregation of duties conflicts and computer security; Knowledge of technological platforms (different operating systems, databases, applications (ERP, Accounting software, software in the points of sale); Knowledge of IT audit tools (ACL or IDEA) considered an asset Knowledge in ethical hacking (vulnerability and penetration testing) considered an asset; Knowledge of project management issues considered an asset. What Richter offers you? Competitive group benefits which include group insurance, Health Spending Account, savings plans, and Employer Contribution Matching Employee and Family access to

  • Information System Auditor @ Norfolk Southern
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Requisition 38209: B3 – Information Systems Auditor A resume helps you stand out to hiring managers and recruiters; your resume communicates your experience and your brand. While it is not required, we encourage you to include an up-to-date resume along with a job application to give you the best opportunity to be considered. A complete resume helps us to better understand your unique background, relevant experiences, and passions. We look forward to learning about you. Primary Purpose: The information systems auditor provides independent assessments of the control environment over technology implementations and operations, business processes, and data through the execution of risk analysis, control evaluation, and innovative audit testing procedures. The information systems audit group focuses on core technology and business operations supporting the corporate strategic plan, regulatory requirements, and SOX internal controls testing. The auditor builds and cultivates eïŹ€ective business relationships while providing independent value-added audit and advisory services. Audit activities include developing and executing risk-based audit programs, identifying recommendations that help mitigate risks and provide continuous improvement in processes and controls, communicating results, and following up on issues reported. Principal Duties: Evaluates internal control systems and provides solutions to problems by furnishing analyses, appraisals, and recommendations. Participates in the performance and reporting of technology, operational, and investigative audit projects. Evaluates adherence to internal control policies, industry best practices, and existing governmental regulations. Prepares audit planning documents, work papers, and audit reports according to department standards. Performs audit procedures including interviews, walk-throughs, data analytics, observation, and reperformance. Safeguards assets by monitoring corporate activity. Performs SOX internal controls testing. Seeks appropriate developmental opportunities and continuing education required to obtain and maintain professional certifications and support departmental goals. Job Related Experience: Minimum Level: 1 year Preferred Level: 3-5 years Education: Required Level: Bachelor’s Degree (BA, BS) Preferred Majors: Computer Science, Accounting

  • ANR – Security Expert III – CMP ISSM @ Shee AtikĂĄ Government Services
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Job Type Full-time Description Alaska Northstar Resources (ANR) is currently seeking a qualified Security Expert III/ISSM to add to our team. The Security Expert will assist in leading a cybersecurity support team in the planning, design, development, testing, demonstration, and integration of information systems. An active DoD Top Secret clearance is required for this position.The Security Expert will be responsible for, but not limited to, the following:Leading a variety of routine project tasks applied to specialized cybersecurity problems.Assessment and authorization activities for DoD information systems.Utilizing eMASS to document security control test results.Effectively communicating cyber requirements, risks, and recommendations to stakeholders and the leadership team.Creating and updating RMF-related artifacts specific to NIST security control families.Developing the System Security Plan and other applicable plans using the Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information Technology (IT).Performing STIG reviews, providing remediation and mitigation recommendations.Integration of electronic processes/methodologies to resolve total system or technology problems as they relate to cybersecurity requirements.Leading mitigation of vulnerabilities derived from security scans.Developing and implementing policies and procedures to ensure that systems support the organization’s business requirements and meet the needs of end users.Defining system requirements based on user/client needs and required integration with existing applications, systems, or platforms.Defining technical standards and functionality tests.Developing specifications, prototypes, or initial user guides. Requirements Minimum Candidate RequirementsCandidate must be a U.S. CitizenCandidate must have an active DoD Top Secret Security Clearance at minimumCandidate must have active/current DoD 8140 (8570) IAM Level II certification (CISSP, CISA, GCIH, etc.)Candidate must have a bachelor’s degreeCandidate must have 15+ years’ experience with the following:Azure (which may be augmented by Data Center-centric security and cyber operations)Cloud cybersecurityAzure Continuous Monitoring and RemediationAuthorization and AccreditationRisk Management FrameworkeMASS expertiseACAS expertiseNIST SP 800-53Desired Knowledge, Skills, AbilitiesEdge ComputingSAFe AgileAzure Security Certification (AZ-500, SC-100)Palo Alto PRISMA CloudWork EnvironmentOffice environment. Requires ability to provide clear,

  • Senior Network Engineer (Engineer Network 5) 22024 @ HII
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    ​Requisition Number: 22024 Required Travel: 0 – 10% Employment Type: Full Time/Salaried/Exempt Anticipated Salary Range: $117,263.00 – $145,000.00 Security Clearance: Ability to Obtain Level of Experience: Senior Meet HII’s Mission Technologies Division Our team of more than 7,000 professionals worldwide delivers all-domain expertise and advanced technologies in service of mission partners across the globe. Mission Technologies is leading the next evolution of national defense – the data evolution – by accelerating a breadth of national security solutions for government and commercial customers. Our capabilities range from C5ISR, AI and Big Data, cyber operations and synthetic training environments to fleet sustainment, environmental remediation and the largest family of unmanned underwater vehicles in every class. Find the role that’s right for you. Apply today. We look forward to meeting you. To learn more about Mission Technologies, click here for a short video: Come Join HII! Where Hard Stuff is Done Right! Mission Technologies is hiring a Senior Network Engineer. This role demands a proactive and analytical approach to problem-solving, exceptional organizational skills, and the ability to manage multiple priorities effectively. As a Senior Staff Network Engineer, you will be instrumental in shaping the future of cybersecurity by ensuring robust and secure network operations and play a pivotal role in designing, implementing, and maintaining the company’s network infrastructure. The candidate must be able to work hybrid from one of the HII -MT facilities. Responsibilities: I want to and can do that! ‱ Administer and configure Palo Alto firewalls to ensure optimal security posture across the organization’s network. ‱ Design, implement, and manage physical and cloud networking solutions to enhance security and performance for LAN, WAN, WLAN, and SDWAN networks to meet business objectives. ‱ Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design secure network infrastructures that support business and security needs. ‱ Apply DISA

  • Palo Alto Network Engineer (Engineer Network 2) 22021 1 @ HII
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    ​Requisition Number: 22081 Required Travel: 0 – 10% Employment Type: Full Time/Salaried/Exempt Anticipated Salary Range: $63,918.00 – $75,000.00 Security Clearance: Ability to Obtain Level of Experience: Entry Level Meet HII’s Mission Technologies Division Our team of more than 7,000 professionals worldwide delivers all-domain expertise and advanced technologies in service of mission partners across the globe. Mission Technologies is leading the next evolution of national defense – the data evolution – by accelerating a breadth of national security solutions for government and commercial customers. Our capabilities range from C5ISR, AI and Big Data, cyber operations and synthetic training environments to fleet sustainment, environmental remediation and the largest family of unmanned underwater vehicles in every class. Find the role that’s right for you. Apply today. We look forward to meeting you. To learn more about Mission Technologies, click here for a short video: Come Join HII! Where Hard Stuff is Done Right! Mission Technologies is seeking a skilled Palo Alto Network Engineer, Level 2, to join our IT team. The ideal candidate will have experience with Palo Alto Networks’ products and solutions, and will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining network security infrastructure. Responsibilities: I want to and can do that! ‱ Configure, manage, and support Palo Alto Networks firewalls and other security appliances. ‱ Monitor and respond to security incidents and alerts. ‱ Perform regular network assessments and vulnerability testing. ‱ Collaborate with other IT team members to design and implement network solutions. ‱ Apply DISA STIG (Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation Guide) to maintain compliance with security standards for government and military environments. ‱ Participate in incident response efforts, providing expertise during escalations and on-call duties. ‱ Proactively monitor, troubleshoot, and improve network infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and pre-emptive issue resolution. ‱ Implement approved firewall

  • Network Administrator (Engineer Network 3) 22023 @ HII
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    ​Requisition Number: 22023 Required Travel: 0 – 10% Employment Type: Full Time/Salaried/Exempt Anticipated Salary Range: $80,226.00 – $100,775.00 Security Clearance: Ability to Obtain Level of Experience: Mid Meet HII’s Mission Technologies Division Our team of more than 7,000 professionals worldwide delivers all-domain expertise and advanced technologies in service of mission partners across the globe. Mission Technologies is leading the next evolution of national defense – the data evolution – by accelerating a breadth of national security solutions for government and commercial customers. Our capabilities range from C5ISR, AI and Big Data, cyber operations and synthetic training environments to fleet sustainment, environmental remediation and the largest family of unmanned underwater vehicles in every class. Find the role that’s right for you. Apply today. We look forward to meeting you. To learn more about Mission Technologies, click here for a short video: Come Join HII! Where Hard Stuff is Done Right! Mission Technologies is looking for a Level 3 Network Administrator who will be responsible for configuring, managing, and troubleshooting Palo Alto firewalls. This role involves configuring and maintaining Palo Alto NGFWs, SDWAN, security policies, and routing protocols, as well as monitoring network performance and resolving complex issues. The candidate must be able to work hybrid from one of the HII -MT facilities. Responsibilities: I want to and can do that! ‱ Configure and manage physical and virtual Palo Alto firewalls NGFW. ‱ Implement, and manage physical and cloud networking solutions to enhance security and performance for LAN, WAN, WLAN, and SDWAN networks to meet business objectives. ‱ Establish and maintain security policies in compliance with HII Enterprise IT policies. ‱ Manage and optimize firewall policies, rules, and configurations. ‱ Provide advanced-level support for escalated network-related incidents to resolve network issues promptly. ‱ Proactively monitor network performance and ensure high availability.

  • Security Operations Engineering @ Microsoft
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Security represents the most critical priorities for our customers in a world awash in digital threats, regulatory scrutiny, and estate complexity. Microsoft Security aspires to make the world a safer place for all. We want to reshape security and empower every user, customer, and developer with a security cloud that protects them with end to end, simplified solutions. The Microsoft Security organization accelerates Microsoft’s mission and bold ambitions to ensure that our company and industry is securing digital technology platforms, devices, and clouds in our customers’ heterogeneous environments, as well as ensuring the security of our own internal estate. Our culture is centered on embracing a growth mindset, a theme of inspiring excellence, and encouraging teams and leaders to bring their best each day. In doing so, we create life-changing innovations that impact billions of lives around the world. Security represents the most critical priorities for our customers in a world awash in digital threats, regulatory scrutiny, and estate complexity. Microsoft Security aspires to make the world a safer place for all. We want to reshape security and empower every user, customer, and developer with a security cloud that protects them with end to end, simplified solutions. The Microsoft Security organization accelerates Microsoft’s mission and bold ambitions to ensure that our company and industry is securing digital technology platforms, devices, and clouds in our customers’ heterogeneous environments, as well as ensuring the security of our own internal estate. Our culture is centered on embracing a growth mindset, a theme of inspiring excellence, and encouraging teams and leaders to bring their best each day. In doing so, we create lifechanging innovations that impact billions of lives around the world. We are looking for a Senior Security Engineering Manager to join our organization and lead a high-performing automation team in Cyber Defense

  • Account Executive @ Upwind Security
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Description Upwind is a next-generation Cloud Security Platform that leverages runtime context to identify and prioritize critical risks, providing precise insights and efficient cloud security management. Unlike traditional tools, Upwind uses runtime data proactively for risk prioritization and posture insights, ensuring teams focus on what truly matters. With industry-leading efficiency and eBPF-powered sensors, Upwind delivers comprehensive capabilities, including agentless cloud posture discovery, real-time threat protection, and integrated API security. From misconfigurations to malware defense, Upwind ensures end-to-end, cost-effective cloud infrastructure protection. At Upwind, you’ll have the opportunity to think creatively, explore new ideas, and use your skills to make a meaningful impact on our growth.We are looking for an experienced Account Executive to join our team of expert sellers that is deeply committed to building meaningful relationships with customers, focusing on their value and thinking strategically about bringing deals to close.ï»żResponsibilities Develop and execute a comprehensive sales strategy to identify and generate new business pipeline, exceed revenue targets, and win new logosDemonstrate a thorough understanding of customer needs, challenges, and business objectives to effectively position Upwind’s solution with C-level executives and technical stakeholders Partner closely with technical teams to ensure seamless integration and implementation to accelerate the time-to-value realization for clientsLead and execute end-to-end sales cycles with excellence in all phases: from pipeline generation and opportunity qualification to the creation and delivery of a quantifiable business case / ROI justification Collaborate and build trusted relationships with Upwind channel partners and ecosystem to expand and optimize market reachLead contract negotiations to completion and successful closure Requirements Proven experience in Cybersecurity – mustProven track record of driving and closing dealsAbility to effectively sell to both C-level executives and technical stakeholders in Cloud / Security / DevOps Consistent achievement of quota and revenue targets with strong W2 historyFamiliarity and experience utilizing proven qualification

  • Werkstudent:in Cyber Security / Informationssicherheit @ Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Das Fraunhofer-Institut fĂŒr Offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS gehört zu den grĂ¶ĂŸten IuK-Instituten der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Wir arbeiten interdisziplinĂ€r, kommen aus mehr als 30 LĂ€ndern und freuen uns, dass immer mehr Frauen die digitale Zukunft mit uns gestalten. Zum nĂ€chstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir fĂŒr unser 22-köpfiges Team Fachprozesse & sichere IT-Infrastrukturen (FSI) eine:n Werkstudent:in zur UnterstĂŒtzung im Bereich Cybersicherheit / Informationssicherheit. Was Du bei uns tust Erstellung und Aktualisierung von IT-Sicherheitskonzepten nach BSI IT-Grundschutzstandard Analyse und stetige Weiterentwicklung von Informationssicherheitsmaßnahmen und -prozessen fĂŒr unsere Kund:innen aus dem öffentlichen Sektor oder der Industrie Recherchen zu Themen der Informationssicherheit zu neusten Angriffen und Schutzmaßnahmen Mitwirkung bei der Entwicklung eines internen Tools fĂŒr Informationssicherheitskonzepte UnterstĂŒtzung bei Workshops und Interviews PrĂ€sentation von Arbeitsergebnissen im Rahmen der Projektarbeit Was Du mitbringst Du befindest dich noch mindestens zwei Jahre im Studium, z.B. im Bereich Wirtschafts- oder Verwaltungsinformatik, Verwaltungswissenschaften oder Jura Du ĂŒberzeugst durch Deine Analyse- und KonzeptionsfĂ€higkeit, arbeitest verantwortungsbewusst und punktest mit Deiner ausgeprĂ€gten Kommunikations- und TeamfĂ€higkeit Grundkenntnisse in folgenden Bereichen: System- und Netzwerkadministration Programmieren in Sprachen wie Java, Python oder Go Modellierung in BPMN Verhandlungssichere Deutschkenntnisse und grundlegende Kenntnisse in Englisch Was Du erwarten kannst Eine praxisorientierte studienergĂ€nzende TĂ€tigkeit in einem innovativen und modern ausgestatteten Arbeitsumfeld Flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Möglichkeit zum hybriden Arbeiten Begleitung bei Deiner Studien-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit Barrierefreies GebĂ€ude mit PKW- und Fahrradgarage und ÖPNV-Anschluss vor der TĂŒr Zahlreiche Einkaufs-, Reise- und Veranstaltungsrabatte durch Corporate Benefits Die VergĂŒtung richtet sich nach dem Fortschritt deines Studiums und liegt zwischen 15,74 € und 17,27 € pro Stunde. Die Arbeitszeit betrĂ€gt 60-80 Stunden pro Monat. Es ist eine Befristung von einem Jahr vorgesehen. GrundsĂ€tzlich sind wir an einer lĂ€ngerfristigen Zusammenarbeit interessiert. Dein Arbeitsort befindet sich in der Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31, 10589 Berlin-Charlottenburg. Wir wertschĂ€tzen und fördern die Vielfalt der Kompetenzen unserer Mitarbeitenden und begrĂŒĂŸen daher alle Bewerbungen –

  • M/E Engineer- Low Voltage/Cybersecurity Coordinator @ JE Dunn Construction
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Best People + Right Culture. These are the driving forces behind JE Dunn’s success. By hiring inspired people, giving them interesting and challenging work, enabling them with innovative tools, and letting them share in the company’s rewards, we’ve found a sustainable way to grow in our industry for the last 100+ years. Our diverse teams around the country strive to enrich lives through inspired people and places everyday, and we need inspired people like you to join us in our pursuit of building perfection. Role Summary The M/E Engineer – Low Voltage / Cybersecurity Coordinator will complete increasingly complex low voltage (operational technology) and cybersecurity coordination activities in support of construction. This position will coordinate cybersecurity assessments and hardening efforts, provide guidance and oversight in development of cybersecurity artifacts, and foster a collaborative team consisting of the building owner, trade partners, vendors, and 3rd party cybersecurity consultants to deliver systems in compliance with contract documents and industry standards. All activities will be performed in support of the strategy, vision and values of JE Dunn. Key Role Responsibilities – Core M/E ENGINEERING FAMILY – CORE Learns and actively participates in all aspects of the company’s safety and quality plans and culture by demonstrating commitment to an injury-free environment through individual actions and mentoring others. Completes entry level and routine low voltage/cybersecurity field construction activities. Learns how to develop budgetary low voltage/cybersecurity estimates, based upon program and schematic design information using automated M/E estimating system. Assists in the review of low voltage system options as part of the preconstruction process and completes systems analysis for select projects. Learns to develop the low voltage/cybersecurity scopes of work used to coordinate during the bid process. Assists in the completion of bid analysis and provides input during the subcontractor selection process. Assists in planning, implementing,

  • Security Engineer (all humans) @ Erste Digital
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    Make a difference in the financial life of millions of people: At Erste Digital you are co-creating the digital future, in which better financial health is possible. #believeinyourselfWe are part of Erste Group – the largest banking group in Central and Eastern Europe with more than 2,500 branches and over 45,000 employees. Our more than 2,000 IT experts and enthusiasts are the bank’s Digital Muscle.Erste’s Cyber Defense Center (CDC) provides security services for business partners in Austria and CEE, with a strong focus on protecting IT and data assets. The CDC performs a broad array of security activities and is responsible for maintaining a secure IT landscape, especially in the digital banking area of Erste. We are now looking for a full time Security Engineer to expand our team of likeminded security experts to maintain a secure IT landscape and a secure journey to the cloud. A vibrant team and agile, savvy and multifunctional opportunities are waiting for you.What to do:Advise projects and solutions and conduct cyber security resilience analysis to define optimal security requirementsProvide expertise on Cyber Security and recommend best practice approaches to implement state of the art security standardsAdvise business partners to address the underlying security challenges raised by the digital transformation like Cloud computing, mobile technologies, IoT and Digital / Zero trustDesign and maintain network security solutionsBe responsible for the design and implementation of effective IT Security & Architecture concepts in cooperation with subject matter expertsPossible on call duty on weekend and nights Requirements You check these boxes:Theoretical and practical knowledge in Cyber Security solutions, methods, tools, and current development topicsUnderstanding of digital services and their Cyber Security implicationYou can follow Security by Default and Security by Design principlesExperience with designing and maintaining network and security solutionsSkilled in analyzing network traffic in case of incidentsKnowledge on

  • Security Engineer @ Ometria
    on January 22, 2025 at 9:23 am

    We are looking for a Security Engineer. You’ll be directly responsible for safeguarding Ometria’s digital assets by actively managing risks to maintain a secure and resilient environment. You will work closely with our Product and Engineering teams to ensure that security and privacy best practices are followed whilst finding solutions to meet our business goals.Who are we?Ometria is a Customer Data and Experience Platform built for retail marketers to be the fastest route to sustainable growth. Ometria helps marketers plan and launch their most profitable campaigns twice as fast, increasing their customer loyalty and CRM revenue with personalized marketing messages all throughout the customer journey.Our platform combines the data unification and customer insight of a CDP with an experience platform, letting retail marketers easily and efficiently create experiences their customers love across email, mobile, on-site, social, direct mail and more.Ometria is trusted by some of the fastest growing retail brands in the world such as Brooklinen, Davines, Steve Madden, and Sephora.We have a team of over 120 Ometrians based in North America and Europe. We have raised $75m from leading venture capital funds across the world such as Infravia Capital Partners, Octopus Ventures, Summit Action, Sonae IM and many othersWhat you’ll be doing:Key Outcomes: Work with the security, legal and people teams to pass the annual ISO 27001 and 27701 audit to reduce the likelihood / impact of incidents and to demonstrate the ‘respect for the trust we’ve been given’ as a business. Identify opportunities to upskill and educate on security and privacy best practices eg. present on tech strategy/tech session/all hands Ensure privacy and security measures are integrated into all projects to reduce risk and minimise the chance of incidents Key Responsibilities: Responding to alerts and security and privacy risk events Alert triage Identification and assessment of risks Following

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