You can’t predict the size of the dark web. Almost every information is hidden in the dark web which can’t be indexed or fetched.
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Singapore Health System Hit by Massive Cyber Attack
1.5 million SingHealth patients’ records were accessed and copied and 160,000 of those had their records taken in a massive cyber attack.
Continue ReadingEdward Snowden at Web3 Summit 2019
Watch the Edward Snowden at Web3 Summit 2019 Video.
Continue ReadingEdward Snowden On Trump, Privacy, And Threats to Democracy
On the eve of his memoir ‘Permanent Record’ being published, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden talked at length from Moscow.
Continue ReadingChasing Edward Snowden
This movie briefly covers NSA analyst-turned whistleblower Edward Snowden and his escape from American authorities to Hong Kong and later to Russia.
Continue ReadingFrontline in the Age of AI
The promise and perils of AI, from fears about work and privacy to the U.S.-China rivalry.
Continue ReadingTechnology AI in China
Companies and governments are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) China is one of the countries quickly adopting AI technologies.
Continue ReadingHow China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms
A growing number of classrooms in China are equipped with artificial intelligence cameras and brain-wave trackers.
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