Mexican Cartels Online Scams

Mexican Cartels Targeting Seniors with Online Scams.

The FBI is sounding the alarm that Mexican cartels are actively targeting older Americans with sophisticated online scams. These criminal organizations are using increasingly convincing tactics to trick their victims into handing over personal information and money.

Former FBI Special Agent Dennis Franks, who has extensive experience investigating cartel activity, warns that these scams are becoming more prevalent and damaging. ‘Cartels are no longer just focused on drugs and human trafficking,’ says Franks. ‘They’ve realized the lucrative potential of online scams, especially against vulnerable populations like seniors.’

How do the cartels operate?

Franks outlines several common tactics:

* Impersonation: Cartels often impersonate trusted figures like government officials, utility company representatives, or even family members. They may contact victims claiming to be from Social Security, Medicare, or even law enforcement agencies, using urgency and fear to pressure their victims.
* Phishing Emails and Texts: Cartels send emails and text messages that appear legitimate but contain links to fake websites designed to steal personal data. These websites often mimic the look and feel of official websites, making them difficult to differentiate.
* Tech Support Scams: Cartels pretend to be tech support representatives and offer assistance with computer issues. Once they gain access to the victim’s computer, they install malware or steal personal information.

What can you do to protect yourself?

* Be wary of unsolicited calls and emails: If you receive a call or email from someone claiming to be from a government agency or other official organization, **verify their identity independently** by calling the organization directly using a phone number you know to be legitimate.
* Never share personal information over the phone or email, especially with someone you don’t know.
* Be skeptical of any request for immediate action or payment. Legitimate organizations won’t pressure you into making decisions quickly.
* Don’t click on links in emails or texts from unknown senders.
* Report any suspicious activity to the FBI.

Protecting our seniors is a collective responsibility. By familiarizing ourselves with these scams and sharing information with vulnerable loved ones, we can combat this growing threat and keep our communities safe.

Don’t let the cartels take advantage of your loved ones. Protect yourself and report any suspicious activity to the FBI.

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