Police Warn of $1 Bill Scam

Police warn of people scrubbing $1 bills, turning them into $100.

Police across the country are warning citizens about a scam involving the humble $1 bill. The con? Criminals are scrubbing’ $1 bills, removing the ink and replacing it with the image of a $100 bill.

How Does It Work?

These scammers use chemicals and other techniques to remove the ink from a $1 bill. Then, they print a counterfeit $100 bill image onto the blank bill, making it look remarkably real.

Why You Should Be Wary

The counterfeit $100 bills are often hard to detect, especially for people who don’t handle large amounts of cash regularly. Even seasoned cashiers can be fooled, potentially leading to significant financial losses for businesses.

Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself:

* Check the texture: Genuine $100 bills have a specific texture that feels different from regular paper.
* Look for security features: The $100 bill boasts a security thread, a watermark, and a 3D security ribbon that changes colors when tilted. Carefully examine these features to authenticate the bill.
* Use a counterfeit detection pen: These pens are readily available and can help identify counterfeit bills with a quick test.
* Report suspicious activity: If you suspect you’ve encountered a counterfeit bill, immediately contact the police.

Don’t Be a Victim!

This scam highlights the importance of being vigilant about the money you handle. While the dream of effortlessly turning a dollar into a hundred might be tempting, the harsh reality is that this scam is nothing but a trick. Stay informed, be mindful, and protect yourself from becoming a victim.

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