Gmail Feature is Being Hacked

Cybersecurity expert says Gmail feature is being hacked.

A cybersecurity expert from Manchester says one of the Gmail security features is being used by hackers to scam users.

In recent news from Manchester, a cybersecurity expert has warned users about a new scam that is making use of a Gmail security feature. While the feature is designed to protect users from malicious attacks, hackers are using it to gain access to user accounts.

The feature in question is the two-step verification process, which requires users to verify their identity by entering two pieces of information – such as a password and a code sent to their mobile device – before they can access their account. This feature is incredibly useful in protecting the user from malicious attacks, as it makes it much harder for a hacker to gain access to the account.

Unfortunately, hackers have now figured out a way to bypass this security measure. They are sending emails to users that appear to be from Google, asking them to reset their password or to verify their identity using the two-step verification. If the user unsuspectingly does this, the hacker gains access to their account and can then access personal information or even use the account to send malicious emails to other users.

The best way to protect yourself from this scam is to make sure that any emails you receive that ask you to reset your password or verify your identity are genuine. If you are ever asked to do this, make sure to check that the email is from a legitimate Google email address. Additionally, never click on any links in an email that you don’t think are legitimate.

By following these steps, you can protect yourself from this scam and keep your personal information safe. It’s always important to be aware of the latest scams and to take steps to protect yourself from them.

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