How a Teenager Hacked Uber

How a Teenager Hacked Uber Very Quickly

Going over what’s currently known about the major Uber breach, and how the hacker was able to compromise the entire Uber network in very little time.

Uber says it’s investigating a “cyber security incident” amidst reports that the company’s internal systems have been breached. The alleged hacker, who claims to be an 18 year old, says he has administrator access to Uber company tools including Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform.

The hacker appears to have made himself known to Uber employees by posting a message on the company’s internal Slack system. “I announce I am a hacker and Uber has suffered a data breach,”

The Slack message from the alleged hacker was so brazen that many Uber employees appear to have initially thought it was a joke

The video comes from Marcus Hitchins a very well known ethical hacker.

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